Self-Edit Like a Pro
Learn to self-edit your manuscript with confidence, while having fun.
Do you recognize yourself in any of the following?
- You love drafting, but when you think about what comes next, that excitement vanishes.
- Wasting time? No thank you! You want to get your WIP publication-ready as efficiently and as quickly as possible.
- When you look at your first draft, you feel it should go straight in the bin. So cringe-worthy!
- You fear it will take forever to reach the finish line of having your book out in the world.
- Some days you wonder if you should just give up on your dream of becoming a successful writer.
If you find yourself nodding along, then you're in the right place.
Self-Edit Like a Pro provides you with the tools to:
- Develop a positive relationship with self-editing, even if you're a drafter at heart.
- Systematically hunt down specific points of improvements, so you won't miss anything.
- See the potential in your writing and use each draft to strengthen your story and characters further.
- Feel productive throughout the whole process, even when it takes longer than you'd like.
- Overcome Imposter Syndrome and accept yourself and your writing for what it is: yours and awesome
I'm not going to lie: self-editing your manuscript is no walk in the park.
It's a simple process that I'll take you through step by step, but it's not easy.
In order to see your writing improve and grow stronger as a writer, you have to be willing to put in time--one of the first things I'll ask you to do is put your WIP away for a month--and effort.
But I'm here to guide you, and help you reach your full potential. To help you get your book out there on the (digital) shelves, and get messages from readers saying "Oh my gosh, I loved your book!".
To help you enjoy the process.
Are you ready to take on the challenge of transforming your story into a manuscript you feel proud of, that's ready to be sent to an agent, a publisher or a professional editor (depending on which publishing route you'll take)?
Then I look forward to seeing you inside π
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Elzevera!
Writing and editing have always been a part of my life. As a child, I wrote stories about fuzzy animals. Now, as an adult, I still write stories about animals, both fuzzy and ferocious. But my favourite part of the writing process is self-editing!
I've worked as both a freelance and in-house editor for children's book publishers and educational publishers, and I've made it my mission to help writers experience the fun and satisfaction self-editing can entail. I firmly believe that every first draft is bursting with potential, and that self-editing is crucial to making your book the best it can be.