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Self-Edit Like a Pro
Welcome to Self-Edit Like a Pro!
Student Intake
General Introduction to the Course (13:07)
Before We Start: Come Up With Side Quests
Module 1: Finding Your Inner Editor
Introduction (1:04)
Lesson 1: Making Peace With Your First Draft (29:52)
Lesson 2: Kickstart the Self-Editing Process as a Reader (19:47)
Lesson 3: Embrace Your Inner Editor and Really Get to Know Your Novel (16:45)
Conclusion (4:21)
Module 2: A three-dimensional character fell into a plot hole!
Introduction (4:25)
Lesson 1: Spot the Plot Hole (16:56)
Lesson 2: Catch the Inconsistent Character (15:06)
Lesson 3: Are You Respecting the Speed Limit? (19:53)
Lesson 4: Time for a Rewrite and a Rest (14:59)
Conclusion (2:05)
Module 3: It's All About the Details
Introduction (1:21)
Lesson 1: Give Your Characters Their True Voices (13:24)
Lesson 2: Make Your World Come Alive (5:41)
Lesson 3: Strengthening Your Writing: Digital Tools (20:45)
Lesson 4: Strengthening Your Writing: The Final Pen-and-Paper Rounds (15:56)
Conclusion (1:50)
Module 4: The Final Rewrites and Beyond
Introduction (2:08)
Lesson 1: Rewriting and When to Stop (6:54)
Lesson 2: Bring On the Writing Communities and Beta Readers! (17:27)
Lesson 3: Time to Turn to a Professional (13:03)
Conclusion (2:35)
Self-Edit Like a Pro Wrap Party! (2:13)
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Self-Editing Roadmap
Lesson 4: Strengthening Your Writing: The Final Pen-and-Paper Rounds
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